In an interesting development, Captain America: The Winter Soldier directors Joe and Anthony Russo have entered into a three-year first-look deal for feature films with Sony Pictures Entertainment. Though no specific projects are mentioned, given the duo's Marvel background there's a possibility they'll be involved in Sony's future Spider-Man plans in some capacity, once the character makes his Marvel debut.
Speaking of which, the trades mention that the Webhead is indeed "expected" to make his first appearance for the studio in Captain America: Civil War, which the Russos will also direct. Not 100% confirmation, but it looks like a safe bet at this point. Here's what the brothers had to say about the deal: "We’re thrilled to make a home at Sony Pictures, and to be partnering with the entire team. The studio has created an environment that is not only collaborative, but truly filmmaker-friendly and we’re excited to begin developing both new and ambitious material with them." Apparently Drew Goddard is only taking meetings about the Spider-Man directing gig at the moment, so there's always the possibility someone could nab it the last minute. We'll keep you updated.
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