With the mid-season finale of CW's The Flash, there came an enormous in-flux of fan theories in regards to the identity of the Reserve Flash and whether or not it is indeed Harrison Wells and that is who it appears to be at the moment. My theory is by no means new, but I took aspects of other theories as well as elements shown within the show to come to the conclusion that I have come to. So, to put the whole idea into a synoptic fashion, I'd say this: Harrison Wells is Barry Allen from the future and Reverse Flash is in fact Eobard Thawne. It's not a very popular theory, but I think the second part is something people will want explained properly. Well, I think for all intents and purposes, that Wells is future Barry. Why? Good job you asked or this'd be going nowhere! Also, I'm not an avid reader of DC so all of my knoweledge is coming from the show and just general nerdy shit I know.
It all stems out from this. Everyone remembers this moment from the very end of the pilot episode, I'm sure? Course you do. So Barry, in the year 2024, vanishes inexplicably during some form of Crisis. I'm theorising that he and Reverse Flash (Eobard Thawne) go back in time to the night of Nora Allen's murder. We heard Cisco say to Joe in the mid-season finale that there was another speedster in the room that night. Two speedsters, two colours of lightning, two different people. That's evidence enough that The Flash and Reverse Flash were both there that night. We know that Harrison Wells appeared spontaneously in Central City around the time of Nora's murder. That's because Wells is Barry Allen. I extend my theory to say that The Flash does manage to kill Reverse Flash after the murder. However, Wells (Barry) knows that if he doesn't become the Flash, he'll never have any hope of saving his mother from dying. With that in mind, Wells takes the Reverse Flash suit and gets romantically involved with a woman developing a particle accelerator, knowing that it will one day give Barry his powers.
People are probably thinking, well if he's Barry from the future, how come Wells looks so much older? By the time the Crisis occurs, ten years have passed since Barry became the Flash. Then, it's another fourteen years until Barry gets his powers after his mother dies. That's a twenty-four year age gap, putting Barry (Wells) in his forties before he encounters himself in the present. I think there's enough of a likeness there to say that Wells is Barry but hey, I'm not that great with faces. Still, I hope you're with me so far because this involves a lot of time travel mumbo-jumbo and flux capacitors and whatnot further in.We haven't heard much about Eddie's past and due to that, I've assumed that his father, Eobard, is alive but the pair don't keep close contact. I believe that Eobard Thawne is still the Reverse Flash. All the hints and clues are pointing to Harrison Wells. Except one. When Reverse Flash escaped from the force field at S.T.A.R. Labs, he beat up the SWAT team before they could do anything to him. Then, for a brief moment, he stood face-to-face with Eddie. Later on, even Eddie wondered why the Reverse Flash had done that. Obviously, I think it's because it was his dad in that yellow suit. People might counteract this and say, well then why does Harrison keep the suit and the ring? That's a very valid question and the answer is because Harrison needs the suit. He needs to make sure the suit stays with him so he can ensure that he has full control over Reverse Flash because I believe he has already manipulated him mentally. Reverse Flash's eyes glow red. In the comics, as far as I know, they're just red. Recently, we saw that Harrison Wells took a blood sample from Chroma in the crossover episode. Before that, we saw he and Eiling had been experimenting on Grodd in an attempt to create the potential for mind control. Well, when people were manipulated by Chroma, their eyes glowed red. Chroma was only able to instigate anger in his victims but if Wells had managed to perfect that mind-control idea, it's possible he could have taken it further and made Chroma's ability more powerful. He then used it on Eobard Thawne in order to get him to attack The Flash. Remember, he's doing all of these things to ensure that Barry (and by extension he) has another chance to save his mother's life. Also, we heard from the Reserve Flash that the fight in the stadium had happened before, something Wells probably made him say. In order to make himself seem like less of a suspect, Wells had Reverse Flash kick the living crap out of him. Evidence for that? While Wells was in the chair, he may have been in control of Reverse Flash. Once taken out of the chair, he'd have lost control and the anger inducing aspect of the mind-altered state would kick in, which is why he just beat Wells half to death. Then, Joe broke open the force field and Reverse Flash made his bid for escape.
So, Wells is Barry from the future who travelled back in time to try and stop Reverse Flash (who didn't have red eyes when he murdered Nora) from murdering Nora. This has led me to believe that Reverse Flash, in the future, goes insane and breaks free of Wells' manipulation. During his bid with insanity he travels back in time to kill Nora. Then all the time travel stuff with Wells happens all over again, doomed to run on a loop for all eternity. I doubt they'd go down the "Barry was the lightning" route, but if they do, I'd certainly love to see it.
So, whatta you guys think? Am I talking utter bollocks here or d'you reckon I'm onto something? Bare in mind, Arrow has been one to throw fans off the scent of the main villain in the past, don't be surprised if it happens here too.
Source: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/the_flash/news/?a=112769
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