Could We Meet 'Star Lord''s Dad Before GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 2?

Written By Unknown on Thursday 14 August 2014 | 12:23

While promoting Guardians Of The Galaxy in Bangkok, James Gunn fielded a few questions, and the subject of Peter Quill/Star Lord's father was brought up. The director has already confirmed that the mysterious figure won't be J'Son of Spartax as he is in the Marvel comics, and reiterates that here along with a few more hints on what type of man he will turn out to be (angel to peter's Mom, "jackass" to Yondu for example). But when Gunn is asked if we will definitely meet this character in Guardians sequel, he responds: “He’ll… be showing up pretty soon”.

Now obviously this isn't evidence that he'll definitely show up before GOTG 2, but since Gunn has previously said that the sequel would deal with the relationship between Star Lord and his dad, the fact that he hesitated and didn't just come straight out with a "yes" means that it's a possibility. So when could it be? Avengers: Age Of Ultron? Ant-Man? Might we have already met the guy and just don't know it yet? Sound off below.



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