More Age Of Ultron details from Entertainment Weekly

Written By Unknown on Thursday 17 July 2014 | 02:26

After the online tidbits already revealed, the full Entertainment Weekly article with the SDCC special reveals even more insight into the upcoming Avengers sequel, including an uncut version of that team picture, revealing the person on the left side as Thor in his civil clothes.

So to me, Iron Man was like a returning verteran going back to the nuts and bolts of what was always righteous about who he was. He was never a guy who didnt get his hands dirty. He was a tinkerer. He’s a mechanic.” — Robert Downey Jr

Ultron will be an all-seeing, all-knowing captain of the Iron Legion, a planetary force of robotic beat cops that resemble blue-and-white versions of the Iron Man suit.

About the twins:

"They're on Team Ultron, which makes things really hard for the Avengers because all of a sudden they're dealing with powers that they're not used to."

Quicksilver can move at lightning speed and Scarlet Witch can harness magic and telekinesis.

Scarlet Witch is always in an eerie, otherworldly state- overwhelmed by the vast psychic knowledge inundating her at all times.

"It's not that she's insane, it's just that she's overly stimulated", Elizabeth Olsen explains.

There is also a fourth member of Team Ultron: the Vision, a synthetic, superpowered human desigened by Ultron to show he has the power to create life, too. That casting of Paul Bettany for this role is not coincidental as Whedon confirms but doesn't give any details. It's safe to assume though that Ultron uses JARVIS' consciousness for spare parts in his Vision-ary experiment.



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