Honest Trailer For George Lucas' STAR WARS II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 6 May 2014 | 10:36

Ten years after the 'Phantom Menace' threatened the planet Naboo, Padmé Amidala is now a Senator representing her homeworld. A faction of political separatists, led by Count Dooku, attempts to assassinate her. There are not enough Jedi to defend the Republic against the threat, so Chancellor Palpatine enlists the aid of Jango Fett, who promises that his army of clones will handle the situation. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan Kenobi continues to train the young Jedi Anakin Skywalker, who fears that the Jedi code will forbid his growing romance with Amidala.

Source: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/starksnewsandreviews/news/?a=99518


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