Concept Art Of Unused AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 IMAX Poster Designs

Written By Unknown on Saturday 10 May 2014 | 14:54

IMAX's latest blog post provides a look at unused designs for The Amazing Spider-Man 2's IMAX poster. These designs were created by Matt Taylor, who also provided insight into his thought process for each unused design. By the way, the final design that was chosen can be partially seen in that image at the top of the article. Just click on it and you can see the full design that was handed out to people in attendance for select IMAX showings of the latest Spider-Man film.

"This is the tower at the top of the Empire State Building. I wanted to show spidey away from it all at a quiet spot above the city." - Matt Taylor "These are my take on a battle between the villains of the piece and spidey with electro front and center. Obviously, I hadn't seen the film while i was doing these sketches, so they were meant to be more interpretive than an accurate representation of a scene in the movie. I tried to make them feel explosive and dynamic with the low angle on the action to show off some of Times Square." - Matt Taylor "This was as close as I got to a traditional hero-shot style poster, with Spider-man against a webbed backdrop. The individual panels from the webbing were filled with patterns that were going to represent the three villains - smashed rock and masonry for the Rhino, flames for the Goblin and lightning bursts for Electro." - Matt Taylor "This was a kind of inverse view of the poster that we went forward with as the final artwork and has the same sort of theme. It's Spidey set against the city (which is as much a part of the Spider-Man story as the other characters), swinging through the skycrapers. This was my favorite of the sketches apart from the one that was chosen, and I think it captured some of the fun side of Spidey." - Matt Taylor



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