Mr. Burns, Dr. Doom, Joker and Carnage sit around a table. The setting is a small wooden walled room. A few empty glasses sit on the table with a deck of cards.
Dr. Doom: Anybody fancy a game of shit head?
Joker: Yeah, but make su--
Dr. Doom: Yes, I'll make sure to take out the jokers.
Joker: Am I becoming that easy to predict? Have I lost my gravitas?
Carnage: OhhHh, of cOUrsE noT, yOu'Re sTilL in yoUr pRimE! I'd giVe anYthINg to bE as gOooooOoOOooOoD a vIllAin as you!
Joker: [frick] you and your sarcasm.
Burns: I apologise for the interjection, but aren't we supposed to be discussing my absolving of Oscorp?
Dr. Doom: Ha! Like that's ever going to work! We never manage to succeed in our plans, I don't see why we make them.
Joker: Yeah.
Carnage: yEaH...
Burns: I once succeeded in blocking out the sun.
The others look at Burns, with utter astonishment. Carnage's jaw hits the ground with a clunk.
Joker: You mean to tell me, you succeeded in a villainous scheme?
Burns: Of course, I'm a villain, I plan things well and get whatever the hell I want. Why? Haven't you?
Thge others ponder the question for a moment.
Carnage: OooOooOoOoOOOoOH, I knOw! I pUshEd mY nAnnY dOwn ThE stAirS!
Joker: You didn't really plan that, though, did you?
Carnage: ... nO.
A door opens opposite the table. A black caped figure enters, his breath rasping.
Vader: Sorry I'm late. Bastard child of mine decided to burn me without checking for a pulse.
Burns: I know the feeling... Have you heard from Bob?
Vader: No, he's in prison again.
Burns: Such an imbecile.
Carange: I reMemBeR whEn I wAs in pRisOn. It wAsn'T gReAt! For mY cEll mAtEs at leAsT...
Dr. Doom: You're disgusting, why do we invite you to these things?
Joker: 'Cause I need someone to have casual conversation with.
Vader: There's a party down at Ocks's bar. Grand opening, he's calling it, The Four Metallic Arms. Thought we should go.
Joker: Oh, can we, Victor? T'would be ever so nice to meet more people!
Burns: But what about the Oscorp thing?
Carnage: MaYbe hE'll be tHeRe, yOu caN Ask hIm yoUrsElF!
Dr. Doom: No, Burns is right, we should get ba--
Vader (waving his hand): We don't need to discuss the Osc--
Dr. Doom: Don't even try that with me, Vader. Sit down, we have work to do.
Vader: Killjoy...
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