Amy Adams Comments On The Gal Gadot As WONDER WOMAN Backlash

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 19 December 2013 | 13:13

Wonder Woman is generally drawn as a very tall, pretty muscular lady and that's just what some fans want to see in a movie. So when the fairly slender Gal Gadot was cast in the role, there were some predictable cries of "too thin/small/not an actual Amazonian warrior!" echoing around the web. While doing press for American Hustle, Amy Adams was asked about this. She admitted that she was "not familiar with [Gadot's] body shape," but that she could sympathize with being the subject of fan critiques. "I don't buy into that," she tells the site. "Not that I [don't] believe that it's happening, but I'm certainly not a classically drawn woman as they exist in comic books, so I had to embrace that I just had a baby, I still hadn't gotten my waist back. Lois is not about proportions, Lois is about her intellect and her savvy reporting skills and her empathy for Clark, and so I just didn't think about it." But anyway, Adams reassures that for this role, director Zack Snyder will indeed ensure Gadot packs on some muscle. "She is going to be yoked, man. He is going to make her a beast," she says. You can watch the vid at the link below.



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