Could DC Entertainment Be Trying To Give Us An AQUAMAN Movie?

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 27 November 2013 | 17:58

DC Entertainment’s Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns isn't giving up hope that one day we will see Aquaman get the big screen treatment. The aquatic hero certainly hasn't been a fan favorite, but DC has been trying to improve the character in the New 52. Warner Bros. have tried to give the character a TV Show (which didn't get picked up) and he will be getting his own animated feature soon, so it is clear that the studio is gaining a little bit more faith in Aquaman. “He’s a priority character for the company,” says Johns. He explained all the positive aspects about the Justice League member in an interview with Variety. He said, “There is no doubt in my mind that this is one of the most well-known characters among super-heroes, and in popular culture.” He suggested that the ocean setting could be an advantage to the writer. “We are finding new areas in the ocean every day. It’s as alien as going to outer space," he said. Currently there is nothing official regarding a feature film based on Aquaman, but DC Comics and WB Entertainment seems to be pushing the character hard. According to Variety:

In 2009 and 2010, Johns turned a large spotlight on Mera, Aquaman’s wife, giving her more presence and personality than she’s had in decades. “What I wanted to do was establish Mera alongside Green Lantern and The Flash in a very big way,” Johns explained, noting that he derived inspiration from the Queen Gorgo character in the 2007 Zack Snyder movie, “300.” Rather than playing up Aquaman’s Atlantis connections, Johns said he deliberately focused on developing his personality, supporting cast and enemies like Black Manta and the Ocean Master.

If WB is looking to expand their DC Cinematic Universe, a good way to do so is by giving characters other than Batman and Superman a chance to shine, and Aquaman is one character that they can attempt. There are already plans of a Flash series, which could then give them courage to do a movie. There are also rumors of Wonder Woman making an appearance in the Man of Steel sequel. While many consider Aquaman a joke, he could possibly bring us a great movie. Would you like to see an Aquaman movie, or are there any other heroes you have in mind? Sound off below!



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