UPDATE: TRANSFORMERS 4: Director Michael Bay Gets Beaten Up In Hong Kong

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 17 October 2013 | 10:34

Director Michael Bay arrives for the premiere of Transformers: Dark of The Moon in Times Square in New York

Two brothers surnamed Mak, aged 27 and 28, approached Bay on the set during filming for the American science fiction film and the younger brother demanded payment of HK$100,000 ($12,900).

The main reason for this particular melee, as I did more research into this, was do to Bay closing a major street with restaurants and the like, and patrons and business owners being upset over the street closure.

As a discussion ensued, the elder Mak walked up and assaulted the director, the spokeswoman said. The elder brother then attacked three police officers who tried to intervene.

The younger brother was arrested on suspicion of blackmail and assault, while the elder Mak was also arrested on suspicion of assault.

Bay sustained injuries to the right side of his face, although he declined to seek treatment, the spokeswoman said, adding she did not believe his injuries were serious.

Filming continued after the dispute.

Any comments you know where to put them....


“Contrary to several erroneous news reports made today, Bay did not get hurt in a fight on set,” said Paramount. “The production company did have a bizarre encounter with a man (allegedly under the influence of a narcotic substance) who was wielding an air conditioning unit as a weapon. The man, who had earlier accosted several other crew members, rushed onto the set in Quarry Bay and swung the air conditioning unit directly at Bay’s head. The director ducked and wrested the air conditioner from his attacker, preventing what could have been a serious accident. The company’s security team quickly stepped in and subdued the assault. The police, who also scuffled with the assailant and two of his companions, ultimately arrested the three men. No one on the cast or crew was injured and the production immediately resumed filming without further incident.”

Source: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/transformers/news/?a=88669


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