Has Ben Affleck Filmed His First Scene For BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN?

Written By Unknown on Monday, 21 October 2013 | 16:14

In one of the most sensational reports to date, Collider has revealed that a crowd member at last weekend's 'Batman vs. Superman' shoot has revealed a rather shocking rumour… and it may mean that Ben Affleck has already filmed his first scenes.

"I was walking out to the restroom before the game," said their source. "I ran into this very nice man who knew one of the players that were the extras on the Gotham home team. He said that Ben Affleck was indeed there. How does he know this? Because the extra he knew filmed a scene with Affleck earlier that day in the locker rooms before the crowd started arriving. He said the scene was about Bruce Wayne giving a motivational speech to the team!"

Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt that their man on the scene may have been told this. But let's look at the facts - a rather dubious source (the mystery friend of the extra) told someone that Ben Affleck was there. Hardly the most concrete eyewitness.

But According to Jake Lester of Comic Book Therapy, it's been reported that Ben Affleck wasn't even in the same state… and was actually in St. Louis (on the other side of the country) while the shoot took place.

So could our masked vigilante be fighting crime so soon, or is it just another phony? Leave your answer(s) in the usual place!

Source: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/starksnewsandreviews/news/?a=88862


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