'Infinity Gauntlet' To Appear In THE AVENGERS 3? Kevin Feige Teases Past/Future MacGuffins

Written By Unknown on Monday, 21 October 2013 | 12:44

Our pals over at Screenrant spoke with Kevin Feige also during the recent Thor: The Dark World press junket, and managed to get the Marvel Studios President of Production to discuss MacGuffins, or plot devices of past and upcoming films. While The Avengers had Loki's scepter & the Cosmic Cube, and Thor: The Dark World will have Malekith the Accursed seeking "The Aether," Kevin Feige was asked particularly if the third Avengers movie will see Thanos' quest for the Infinity Gauntlet.

"Well, I don’t know that I would spell it out that clearly, necessarily," Kevin Feige explained. "But certainly fans of the comics could surmise that all of this is leading somewhere. That Joss’ decision to have Thanos turn around and smile for the audience at the end of ‘Avengers’, our reveal, was always the plan." Teasing that upcoming reveals and certain plot devices from The Avengers and Thor sequel will tie into Guardians of the Galaxy, Feige continues: "…And where it goes from there, we’ll see… But yes, the MacGuffin of ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ certainly plays into MacGuffins of the past." Speaking of "tie-ins" and Guardians, FilmInk magazine has confirmed that (Highlight SPOILER)Benicio Del Toro will make his Marvel debut as The Collector during the mid-credits scene of Thor: The Dark World. Anyhow, the Infinity Gauntlet, which holds six Infinity gems that [when combined] allows its wearer to do anything he/she wants, was on display at San Diego Comic-Con years ago before appearing briefly during the first Thor movie. What do you think?

Source: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/MarvelFreshman/news/?a=88848


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