SPOILER: 'Fulcrum' Revealed On last Night's STAR WARS REBELS Season Finale

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 3 March 2015 | 07:19

Ahsoka Tano greets the droid Chopper on the season

As so many had rightly guessed, Fulcrum turned out to be fan-favourite Clone Wars character Ahsoka Tano, who was once an apprentice to Anakin Skywalker before he turned to the dark side and became Darth Vader. When last we saw her she had left the Jedi order and gone into exile, but last night she made her return, once again voiced by Ashley Eckstein.

Ahsoka Star Wars

Though Ahsoka will play a "significant role" in the series moving forward, don't expect her to pop up every week. Like Vader, the character will be used sparingly to maintain some mystery and excitement for the episodes on which they are featured. More at the link below.

Source: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/markcassidycbm/news/?a=116106


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