Are Marvel executives looking to Benedict Cumberbatch for a future film?

Written By Unknown on Saturday 14 December 2013 | 22:13

Take this story with a pinch of salt, but are reporting that they have a source in Hollywood telling them that Star Trek: Into Darkness' Benedict Cumberbatch may have drawn the interests of Marvel Studios about appearing in a future film.

The source went on to tell TheDailySuperHero that the rumour that Cumberbatch was in talks for Star Wars: Episode VII were to throw people off the fact that Marvel were the real Disney subsidiary that wanted Cumberbatch.

The source does seem to be pretty reliable, being the same source behind the rumour that Marvel were interested in Bradley Cooper last year.

Who he will be up for playing is still unknown, but as fans, it's our job to speculate. Don't forget to sign off your thoughts in the comments.



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